Find out how important a rescue plan is for working at heights

Find out how important a rescue plan is for working at heights

It is undeniable that working at height offers many benefits for various situations involving large building structures. And, in many cases, it is the only way to carry out certain activities. Maintaining windows, equipment and even walls. However, this is an operation that involves risks if not carried out correctly.

In this sense, initiatives such as the rescue plan for working at heights. This is one of the best ways to take precautions.

In this text, you will understand what it is and how to prepare it. Check out!

What is a rescue plan?

The rescue plan at height is the combination of a series of measures to guarantee the rescue of employees in the event of accidents or incidents while working at height. As we saw before, this is a requirement set out in legal and technical standards relevant to the subject.

All actions defined in the rescue plan must be kept in a document so that the designated team is aware of the appropriate measures. This is disclosed to all employees and trained through simulations provided for in the plan itself. It is good to know that, for the standard, situations that occur above two meters above the ground are considered height.

How important is this plan?

The legal issue would be enough to understand the importance of having a rescue plan. However, it is also impossible not to highlight it as a way of ensuring safety for those who work at heights, in addition to their quality of life.

It guides how the company can proceed in previously anticipated incident scenarios. It is carrying out responsible rescue, reducing the likelihood of damage to the integrity of professionals.

How does it work?

The rescue plan guidelines must be related to the company’s routine. That is, both the structures of the environment, the type of work performed and the risk scenarios.

Therefore, we encounter different situations, for example: the professional may be the victim of a sudden illness or a drop in blood pressure and discomfort. There may also be a problem with the equipment that needs to be rescued, etc. In both situations, the work at height rescue plan will provide the best measures to take.

What are the main consequences of not doing it?

The action plan for rescue at height plays a fundamental role in designating the best measures. Also that of everyone else, including those who will try to rescue him.

This is because one of the main points of the rescue plan is the obligation to have a qualified and trained team. When there is not, what happens is that the worker, in addition to being at a much greater risk. It will also put his colleagues who are going to rescue him at risk. It will also indicate that the company does not have adequate equipment and means to carry out the rescue.

How to put together a rescue plan?

The rescue plan is an important step for working at height. And in a country like UAE, this is a necessity. However, companies may think that developing it is a complex step, but it is not. In this text, we will present what needs to be done. Continues!

Train the team:

The third step is preparing the internal team — these will be the employees designated to monitor the rescue until external professionals arrive. In some cases, depending on the severity, they may be responsible for carrying out the rescue.

Therefore, it is very important that more than defining a group of people, the company invests in training them properly. Training will depend on the technical standards of the Local Fire Department, risks and complexity of the plant. In addition to other conditions that must be considered when designing the Rescue Plan.

Employees must know the rules and regulations, analyze risks and conditions, prevention measures, deal with collective protection equipment and procedures, among others. We emphasize that the choice of the team must focus on people with good physical, emotional and psychological preparation.

Have adequate equipment:

Finally, the use of appropriate equipment will be essential for carrying out both work at height and the rescue process. In this sense, it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure access to adequate protective equipment.

Kits with helmets, seat belts, gloves, boots, signaling vests and other essential tools to ensure better results at work. It prevent accidents from having more serious consequences, both for the employee and other employees.

Today you were able to understand how the rescue plan for working at heights. It is an important tool to guarantee the safety and longevity of employees working in this situation. It is not only a way of guiding employees on how to act in situations that are out of control. Therefore, every company that works in these circumstances has an obligation to prepare its own.